Numerous weight lifting activities strain the lower back. Even normal daily activities such as picking up things from the floor, or standing in line require an exertion of strength taken from the same area, in ways that you may not even realise. Men who work out to feel good, look good, or play better need an exercise program that targets spinal muscles and protects the lower back from unnecessary strain.

Warming Up

Prior to exercise, it is important to do some stretches or light aerobic routines, in order to warm the body up. Stretches while seated or lying on one’s back can loosen the muscles around the spine for a workout. The lower back is a core area. In order to keep the area strong and functional, other parts of the core or body’s mid-section, such as the obliques, glutes, hamstrings, and abdominals, should be warmed up as well.

Caution For Beginners

Dumbbells and weights are a great way to get started for a workout, and they are primary choice especially for men. Lower back or erector muscles are muscles for functional strength, unlike biceps or abs, which are usually developed for “show”. Deadlifts are a solid routine, but they are worked towards, and are not usually the first exercise for beginners. Lighter weights should be the start for those who need to develop basic strength and form first. In any case, if a pain starts to make itself felt in the back, it is best to terminate the routine immediately, and take a substantial break.

The Stiff-Legged Deadlift

“Lift with your legs, not with your back,” an adage says. However, to strengthen the back muscles, one must lift with the back. A workout known as the stiff-legged deadlift especially targets hamstring muscles in the lower back, which are the primary muscles used for lifting weights and straightening the body’s posture.

The stiff-legged deadlift begins with standing with a straight back and knees bent slightly, with a weight held firmly in front of the thighs. Using the hips as a lever, bend down while keeping the back straight and lowering the dumbbell or barbell to the level reaching the middle of the shin. From holding that pose for a few seconds, straighten the back slowly. This can be done five times, repeating the set up to ten times.

Morning Exercise

It is best to start mornings with a back-strengthening exercise, but this must be carefully done. Otherwise, the back may become strained. Prior to the routine, one’s form must be practiced with a barbell, but without the weights. This is done by standing straight, placing the bar horizontally atop the shoulders and behind the neck. In a controlled movement, bend the upper body forward to a 90-degree angle with the legs. Straighten the back again slowly. This routine is repeated daily, adding weights with the progress, in sets of five, and repeated up to ten times.

Hyperextension Station

Hyperextending the back can cause soreness and even dislocation in the back and spine area. The gym contraption bends and secures the lower back to a 45-degree angle with the floor, while the the upper body lowers and raises in exercise. The best way to prevent unnecessary injury is to keep the upper body in the 45-degree angle and not exceed it, and to refrain from arching the lower body. Light weights can be used for beginners, and progressing with more weights leading up to 45 pounds. Perform five sets of ten repetitions.

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