According to a recent study conducted at the California State University in San Marcos, cutting the workout time by half and reducing in-between rest resulted in an increase in burning calories post-exercise.

However, it does not mean that taking no breaks at all will guarantee improved results. Bruce Mack, cofounder of Men's Health Thrive, says "Overall, rest is important because if you try to push through a difficult workout without reprieve, you put yourself at risk for injury and you won't perform to the best of your ability."

The crucial point is to place breaks wisely, in order to maximize more exercise time within a lesser total workout period. It is important to note that the total rest taken will always depend on one’s fitness level and the kind of workout being done. Nevertheless, cutting the resting time can be as easy as reducing a 40-second break to 20 seconds.

As one advances through the fitness program, two sets can be executed consecutively without in-between breaks. “When you go from exercise to exercise without stopping, you start to feel the challenge in other parts of your body. For instance, holding on to the same pair of dumbbells for two or three moves in a row will tax your grip, big time,” says Mack.

Rest periods should not be totally discounted, especially on two important instances.

First, in cases of tiredness or exhaustion. According to Mack, “You still need to be able to perform every rep with perfect form. If you get so fatigued that you can’t do the move properly, you’re putting yourself at risk for injury and not maximizing your results.”

Second, during heavy lifts or power exercises. “You should rest between reps of moves like a heavy deadlift or an explosive barbell clean. This will ensure that you do each exercise correctly to protect yourself from injury. “And you'll reap more benefit from being able to attack each rep with fresher muscles than you will from performing consecutive reps or sets without resting.” Mack advises.

However, it would be prudent to have a discussion with the trainers in the various gyms in Doha to understand how this should be approached.