Leave statins to face off the controversy right now (seriously, you don't need to worry about your cholesterol). Your best antidote to high blood pressure is available over the counter (or, rather, the supermarket shelf) and costs less than a latte. A handful of blueberries a day, served up any which way you please, has been found to knock your blood pressure down by 6%. The single digit might sound insipid, but that’s enough to take you from a risky 138/79 to a safe 131/75, with researchers crediting it to the fruit’s ability to increase the nitric oxide levels in your body.
Nutritionists at Florida State University found that the main benefit of the molecule is that it widens and relaxes blood vessels by improving your cell activity, helping to maintain a healthy heart. Which is handy because blueberries are in peak season for the next two months. Come September, opt for the frozen kind – the nutrients are sealed in and you won’t risk mouldy fruit. Either way, start releasing the pressure.

NOS: Nitric oxide smoothie

Blitz up this recipe high in nitric oxide to boost your cardio health and keep things ticking over
Blueberries, 100g
A beetroot, small
A carrot, medium
Celery, 2 sticks
Orange juice, 250ml
Not only will this super juice hit your daily target of nitric oxide (not to be confused with nitrous oxide, the speed freak’s favorite gas), you’ll also reap the benefits of the iron, magnesium and folate in the vegetables. The added ingredients will give your workout a big shot of power too.