Getting in shape can be tough. But it's not impossible if you follow some advice on how to stay motivated. Here are some tips to get you started and keep going: 

1. Record your workouts. After each session you put, note how long you worked out, and how felt afterwards. These logs can help you monitor your progress. It's also a good idea to monitor your BMI and the progress you make.

2. It is totally understandable that you’ll get demotivated after sometime. So once you reach your target, reward yourself.  Oh, make sure you don’t reward yourself with a huge chocolate bar or anything edible (if your target is to lose weight).

3. Make sure you have fitness tracksuits up and ready. Try new outfits for your fitness plans, and you once you feel comfortable in new ones, you’ll be feeling great.

4. Lastly, don’t beat yourself if you don’t reach your target goal. Stay calm and positive. Look into the mistakes you made, feel guilty and work on them. Don’t give up. Giving up means you lost, and warrior never lose!

Apart from traditional fitness excercises you can also try Yoga. Do check some Doha yoga classes