Given below are ten ways to achieve weight or fat loss without regaining mass.

1. Be in good posture: Certain postures bring more of fat in body as mentioned in a study at U.S. Military Academy situated at West Point. If someone is in brace position, he / she can be in a variety of issues. Taking brace position is not allowed at the academy since 1968. Experts consider marionette like posture where string is tied with head. Keep the spine area straight tightening your muscles in abdomen. Try sitting tall, standing and walking tall.

2. Do it in a group: Try achieving weight loss objectives in a group. People remain encouraged and charged in group excercises. May be joining some fat-loss club is a good option.

3. Sleeping cool helps: Very simple point is that avoiding too many covers while in bed helps burning calories. Sleeping cool helps your thermostat to burn more calories. Avoid electric blanket as well as flannel sheets during winter, use single sheet cover in summers. This helps burning several hundreds of calories during the night.

4. Do not use sauna, whirlpools or steam baths: These simply heat up the skin causing lot of sweating resulting in dehydration. In all cases dehydration is not helpful in loosing fats without helping your fitness. Looking at the opposite side, dehydration basically preserves your fats so excessive sweating is bad.

5. Using a scale is good: Use the scale but not too much. Scale only tells your progress and fat burning is usually slow. If you keep watching the scale, that could be self-defeating. Watching too much of your scale is like asking too much, taking reading once a week seems more than enough and natural.

6. The Colors: Colors have impact on our routines. Sharp colors bring more appetite, you see some examples in pizza shops as those shops tend to use red and somewhat orange asking you to eat more. Consider using white or even soft color table cloth to eat wisely.

7. Shorten your TV time in evenings: People take lot of tidbits and snacks in TV sessions without realizing how much they eat. At least avoid eating while watching the screen. Try option of drinking just water or walking around the place or even going to bed an hour earlier would help you saying NO to your TV.

8. Turning to household: Your house is a whole world around you. There are several chores and tasks that wait for you. You may get busy with those interesting things keeping your mind away from food. Bring the house in order joyfully or refinish things around you, there are hundreds of options. Once you think about those and you are bound to get busy elsewhere.

9. Imagine how you would look like: That is the target and that will keep you focused. This will keep you motivated to reach the goal as to why the struggle. This will reshape the approach to eating.

10. Try to Assert: Be sure that if you are lean, you will be stronger. This will happen if you are assertive. Muster the courage to say “NO” to your friends or yourself who want you to eat more or to get out of proportion. Adopt the habit of saying “YES” to those habits that support your cause and bring better control of yourself.

It is life and you make full use of it to remain healthy and fit. Your focus on such things in life is important for your health and yourself too.